GPRS + Bluetooth



Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Im getting bored of not having the internet! I plan to connect to the net using GPRS and a bluetooth conection to the pc. Its time i got a new phone anyway so just wanted to know:
Which company does the best GPRS packages?

~Also, if it will save me lots of money I wud happily use dial up. But I have not got acess to a land line, and it must connect to a normal pc easily (ie not a laptop card)


10,857 posts

278 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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GPRS ain't cheap Alan. Is this your only alternative?


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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A mobile conection of some sort is my only way. Ie, I cant have and lines installed.


473 posts

288 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Its seriously expensive for everyday use. I posted the charges in response to a different query recently...

1) Pay as you go
0mb inclusive

2) 02 Data 5
5mb inclusive

3) Web Professional
36mb inclusive

The above are from 02 which I use currently. Other providers are pretty similar.

Glancing at my connection stats this afternoon (using a dialup), I've used 4.5mb download and 0.8mb upload in the last 2 hours of infrequently downloading email and browsing the web. That would equate to 5.3mb x £1.17 = £6.20!


970 posts

270 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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First month on my GPRS enabled phone and the phone bill went from the usual £30 ish to £68 and it was so slow I couldn’t surf with pictures enabled in IE. This was with O2 and they charge £2/meg and I hardly used it !
Although it is advertised as about 56K you only get something like 40K on the best phones over Bluetooth (Nokia 6310i being one). If you move around a bit this start dropping off rapidly, stick a wall in the way and forget it.

Great for low bandwidth stuff like MSN or text emails thou’