gpl controller advice


bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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can any one reccommend a analog contoller for gpl? im currently playing with a sidewinder which is not ideal with just all or nothing when you press a button. also the throttle seems to cut sometimes through turns even though throttle help is off, will this be solved with a new controller? thanks in advance


90,122 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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For cheapness any Thrustmaster wheel/pedal set will do. They may not last long but you get what you pay for.

If you have the cash have a look at ACT Labs or Ball Racing equipment.

bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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re: four wheel drift i was thinking more handheld ps2 type, can anyone recommend any?


90,122 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Nope. You really need an analogue wheel & pedals, it'll take seconds off your lap times


126 posts

274 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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I've got a thrustmaster force feedback jobbie (around 60 quid IIRC, from pc world/dixons/etc.) and its fairly good.

I'd recommend getting a force feedback one as this also helps a lot (ie. you can feel when its sliding)


4,330 posts

281 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Ok I have just got GPL from the bargain bucket and patched it up and is now working fab and groovy. Got my ffback wheel and pedals going but am having a 'mare. I know they have no downforce but I am sliding like a git on ice. I have to creep around corners and am not getting any where near the other cars on novice setting on Monza. Am I missing something? I can compete ok on GP4 but not this one?



5,786 posts

275 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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liszt said:
Ok I have just got GPL from the bargain bucket and patched it up and is now working fab and groovy. Got my ffback wheel and pedals going but am having a 'mare. I know they have no downforce but I am sliding like a git on ice. I have to creep around corners and am not getting any where near the other cars on novice setting on Monza. Am I missing something? I can compete ok on GP4 but not this one?


It takes time!
Try with all the aids on.
Be careful on a trailing throttle, the goes light and will spin.
Are you letting the tyres warm up?
Try changing lower down the rev range and build up slowly, take it very easy for 3 or 4 laps, gradually giving it more throttle and braking later.

It really takes months and months to master, a proper game!

Good luck!

With regards to wheels, dont even think about a handheld controller, a wheel is the only way. As said above you get what you pay for. I brought the Thrustmaster 360 for £40 a year ago and it only lasted 3 months.
I still dont know whether to just keep spending £30 every couple of months on a OK wheel or just sod it and go out and buy a good one
Could do with some money first though!


90,122 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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It's a completly different driving style you need over the point and squirt GP racing.

The art is the "Four Wheel Drift", imagine you are on the start/finish straight at Silverstone heading towards Copse for example. The Braking zone is just as you go under the bridge (think soft gentle early braking as opposed to late heavy breaking, as this will unsettle the car, shifting down the box carefully as too quickly will lock the rear wheels) then turn into the corner pointing the nose right into the apex and power through you will slide under power controlling the slide with the throttle and a touch of oversteer.

Suggest you have a look at for FAQ's utils and help setting up the cars for each circuit.


4,330 posts

281 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Cor that is a good looking site. Will have to read that tonight. (note to self: get a life)


5,786 posts

275 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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liszt said:
Cor that is a good looking site. Will have to read that tonight. (note to self: get a life)

Well, I think GPL is the next most addictive thing after pistonheads!


4,272 posts

274 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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And because it's so difficult to get it right, when you do manage a good lap it feels so rewarding! But the best feeling is flying down the Masta Straight at Spa, wheel to wheel in an online race, approaching the kink...


1,947 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Seconded what has been said here I have a momo force feedback it was expensive but it made a huge difference.

It takes practice practice practice to get upto speed may a I suggest something though. If you download the AI tweaker (103 I believe) it's a windows based system which then allows you to alter how the other cars lap in comparison to your times (I have set so that Jim etc. are the same as me so if I drive really well I can win, but if I mess it up they win). This means you can have a race even if you're sh*t like me and adds a bit more fun to the learning curve.

Tip 2 the above tweaker also allows you to follow cars and see the correct lines and where they brake etc. Very useful.

bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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is their really no other option? joystick? because cant really afford a steering wheel at the moment. is there really no way of turning the driver aids off with a controller? is there a patch i can download?


5,786 posts

275 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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bad boy said:
is their really no other option? joystick? because cant really afford a steering wheel at the moment. is there really no way of turning the driver aids off with a controller? is there a patch i can download?

A decent joystick must be £20?
The momo wheel (non-force feedback) is £30 in PC world IIRC

Go on, you know it makes sense!

Plus, imagine you are hammering down the Monza straight, 190MPH, you want to brake and hard and shift a gear before throwing the car into the 1st corner, trying to bring the joystick from dead ahead to full back whilst maintaing a straight line is harder than you think. Much easier with a wheel.

>> Edited by robp on Friday 3rd October 18:34


9,324 posts

286 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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robp said:

Try with all the aids on.

Really? The first thing I did (about a week ago) was to turn these off! The after blowing up my engine I turned off the auto gear shift.
I've found the best way to get round a circuit is to brake just after the black marks on the track and aim for the apex.
As for controllers, I just use the cheapest (digital) PS-clone controller I could get my hands on (about a fiver, still workd), but I bought it to play GT2 on the PC, so may GPL may need an anaolgue one.


5,786 posts

275 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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FunkyNige said:

robp said:

Try with all the aids on.

Really? The first thing I did (about a week ago) was to turn these off! The after blowing up my engine I turned off the auto gear shift.
I've found the best way to get round a circuit is to brake just after the black marks on the track and aim for the apex.
As for controllers, I just use the cheapest (digital) PS-clone controller I could get my hands on (about a fiver, still workd), but I bought it to play GT2 on the PC, so may GPL may need an anaolgue one.

How did the engine blow when you were using auto?
Anyway, see the above description for cornering; sliding is good
I try and follow the replay example that comes with the game for each track, is usually a good guide.


5,786 posts

275 months

Monday 6th October 2003
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OK, got my PC all running OK, graphics card behaving itself, network card running.

Went to buy the wheel today, feckin shop had 2, YES 2! crappy wheels left, nothing else. Great. Now sat at home trying to do a respectable lap using the keyboard!

Question for the online GPL'ers. How easy is it to set up ready to play against others online? I've installed VROC but thats about it. Any advice you can give me before I start trying to work it out myself? I've never done this sort of thing before so i'm quite an amateur!



4,272 posts

274 months

Monday 6th October 2003
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Want a race? I can host one if you want...


4,272 posts

274 months

Monday 6th October 2003
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Anyone else...? I'll be in the VROC Pistonheads chat room
(in WinVROC chat window click on the '+' and type 'Pistonheads')


4,272 posts

274 months

Monday 6th October 2003
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Still here.... Come on I want to go for a drive