cant open links



Original Poster:

7 posts

265 months

Thursday 2nd October 2003
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whenever i am on a website with links to others i cannot open them,all i get is a blank screen,can anyone help.


433 posts

259 months

Sunday 5th October 2003
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forget the link. Just type the address into your browser. As you pass over the link, the adress should apear in the bottom left of the screen, just above the start button.


1,950 posts

262 months

Sunday 5th October 2003
quotequote all
If you are getting child windows that do not initialise properly (new window opens, but you just get blank window - no address bar etc) or ie hangs when trying to open a new child window, try the follwing:

Go to start / run - type cmd - opens a command prompt.

type this: regsvr32 urlmon.dll

and hit return. You should get a box pop up saying that urlmon.dll has been sucessfully registered. If that is the cause of your blank child windows, this should fix it.