Posting pictures



Original Poster:

1,315 posts

258 months

Thursday 2nd October 2003
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I know it's probably been asked before.

How can I post a picture onto a thread?


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 2nd October 2003
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You need someone to host the picture for you on the internet.

Then by encapsulating the URL of that image within the (pic) (/pic) tags (but with square brackets) you can embed pictures in PH posts.

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

276 months

Thursday 2nd October 2003
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email them to me and I'll host them for you....


Original Poster:

1,315 posts

258 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Thanks luca brazzi. It was just a thing on the kit car forum where some people were posting pics and others couldn't.

Ended up emailing the pics.

Thanks again

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

276 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Ex-Biker said:
Thanks luca brazzi. It was just a thing on the kit car forum where some people were posting pics and others couldn't.

Ended up emailing the pics.

Thanks again
Have you sent which address. Haven't got anything in the addresses I can check from work.