Posting pictures



34,445 posts

314 months

Tuesday 30th September 2003
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Original Poster:

567 posts

273 months

Tuesday 30th September 2003
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Anyone know where I can have my photos hosted so that when I post them they don't appear with advert logos over them, and don't just disappear when "credits" run out?

Thanks people.

simpo two

88,011 posts

276 months

Sunday 7th December 2003
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neilmac said:
Anyone know where I can have my photos hosted so that when I post them they don't appear with advert logos over them, and don't just disappear when "credits" run out?
Thanks people.

You could do it properly and go to a place like, get your own domain, some webspace and then you can set up a matching e-mail address. I can do it, and I'm only a yellow belt in IT!


9,294 posts

276 months

Monday 8th December 2003
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or like they say, get a domain and use webforwarding like I do.

check profile for details