

Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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My pooter is asking me for 'Glide2x.dll' and 'redline.dll' and it wont load without them it seems

Any ideas anyone?


6,578 posts

259 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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ooooohhhh mine did that once seem to thnk its terminal pwig my boy... cant remember... soz


3,252 posts

269 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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mine also did this when i installed on my XP machine. you can get patches and fixes from racesimcentral.com iirc. if not, a quick google search on the error code and GPL should furninsh you with the relevant links.


5,786 posts

275 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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Mine used to do this before I put the graphics card in.
I sent an email to Sierra but they just said "cheque our site for updates", this was a few years ago though.

Thats probably no use to you is it!?

Good luck, hope you are not GPLless for too long!


3,848 posts

258 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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sry dont know wat that is never had it either


9,324 posts

286 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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Happenned with mine, I just re-installed it I think.


391 posts

258 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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pwig said:
My pooter is asking me for 'Glide2x.dll' and 'redline.dll' and it wont load without them it seems

Any ideas anyone?

Glide is the old 3dfx Voodoo driver file. I assume you haven't got a 3dfx card ?

Have you tried installing the D3D patch from www.papy.com/framesets/downframe.htm

Try deleting the app.ini file from the GPL folder and restarting the game after applying the patch.

Don't forget to get the 1.2 patch as well.

Not 100% sure this will work but it's the best I can think of at the moment.
Alternatively try going to VROC chat, there's loads (well a few anyway) of knowledgable people in there.


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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ok cheers, ill have another play later.


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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Right well im using OpenGL, I have a TNT2. But when I go to race, it goes to a black screen. Any ideas?


11,621 posts

278 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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Try the latest drivers from Nvidia. I seem to recall that they support Glide better (don't quote me though)...



Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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tried .. not worked

'The procedure entry point MapSLFix could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL.32.Dll.' Is the latest error message!


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Friday 3rd October 2003
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Right, it goes to load up the race, and you get the sounds... but just see a black screen... any ideas?


720 posts

282 months

Saturday 4th October 2003
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Whats your operating system pwig?
What have you changed since you had gpl running?