My emails been down last 24hrs can u help?

My emails been down last 24hrs can u help?



Original Poster:

731 posts

263 months

Thursday 25th September 2003
quotequote all
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '+OK 2041 octets follow.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

Keep getting this message, when it connects it briefly says i have x new messages but doesnt manage to download them, Anyone help?


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 25th September 2003
quotequote all
Do you have a webmail connection where you can get in and clear the account down.


Original Poster:

731 posts

263 months

Thursday 25th September 2003
quotequote all
Not that I know to! any ideas? lol


Original Poster:

731 posts

263 months

Thursday 25th September 2003
quotequote all
Help! still not working anythin i can do?


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 25th September 2003
quotequote all
lotusnobles said:
Help! still not working anythin i can do?

Lotusnobles, drop me a mail via profile I may be able to help


Original Poster:

731 posts

263 months

Thursday 25th September 2003
quotequote all
Managed to sort has changed to, had to change my settings!

Thanks anyway