grand prix ledgends problems


bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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i have just got grand prix legends and it keeps cutting out and going back to my desktop screen any one got any ideas ? when i installed it, it said about active movie being too new or something but it still installed ok. also am playing with a sidewinder in joystick mode but because it is digital it goes straight to full lock with no resistance any way to slow it down? thanks in advance


4,330 posts

281 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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have ou applied all the patches?

bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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no, what websites can i get them from?


90,118 posts

295 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
quotequote all click links.

Then when you have it sorted a visit to the cars and tracks section wouldn't be amiss.

Then go here GPL Track Database -

bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
quotequote all
r.e four wheel drift, bit lost on them sites really dont know much about computers


90,118 posts

295 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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Go here

If you run it through a Direct 3D video card then download the D3D patch. If you are running a Voodoo card then there are patched on the right hand side of the Links page on

Then download the 1.2 patch on, then the CPU speed fix if your machine has more then a 1.7Ghz CPU.

But read the Readme's first.

bad boy

Original Poster:

821 posts

275 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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r.e four wheel drift, i have downloaded th patches but still keeps doing it , so i reinstalled it and the same message about the active movie came up and said to unistall it but i dont even know how to find it le alone ininstall it, any ideas?


90,118 posts

295 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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Might be something newer or a less well known fix, check out the forum on the GPLEA site and ask a question there. I'm sure someone will have the answer.