Camera On Laptop



Original Poster:

637 posts

269 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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I was wondering if anyone could help me? I have just bought a security camera and it has a lead on it which allows me to plug it into the back of a TV and see the picture on the TV. I noticed at the back of my laptop I also have an ariel port and having plugged it in I cannot get the picture to come up. I don't have any software with the camera as it is not meant to be viewed through a computer but is there any way I can just plug it in and view the images on my PC?

Over to you!!!

Cheers John


4,492 posts

295 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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I would imagin that the only way to view it would be with TV tuner software, if you have a programme to watch RF inputs then try and tune it in to that.


4,339 posts

290 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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The S-Video port on the back of your laptop is OUTPUT only, so it allows you to display your laptop picture on a TV, but won't allow you to transfer a signal the other way.


Original Poster:

637 posts

269 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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Doh!. Don't I feel stupid.

Thanks for your help guys
