Whats the best way to network...

Whats the best way to network...



Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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Windows XP to Windows 98?


11,621 posts

278 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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Seriously - more info needed. What are you trying to accomplish?

If it's gaming or some such just use a crossover patch cable between two nic cards and make sure they have the same workgroup. You are going to have to give the 98 machine a login on the XP machine...


Pwig Man

Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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Bascially, I want to share my ADSL connection with the windows 98 computer downstairs, its all hooked up etc, as at the moment, but at the moment if I want to transfer files, I have to run windows 98 on this one.


11,621 posts

278 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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Cheapest way is a switch and an extra NIC card for the XP system plus ICS.

On the XP:
Keep the one NIC plugged into ADSL
Plug the other NIC into the Switch

On the Win98
Plug it into the switch

Back to XP:
Look into the properties for the ADSL Network Connection - Turn on sharing.

Back to win98:
Turn on DHCP (automatically acquire an IP)

If they are both using the same workgroup - they should see each other and then it is just a matter of creating passwords (read and write capable) for sharing files. ICS will take care of the connection sharing.

Bad thing about this is that the XP system must be on for the Win98 system to access the internet. You could always buy a router instead of using ICS though...



4,272 posts

274 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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I've connected this Win XP pc to my old Win 98(1st Edition) pc using a cheap £4 network card and a crossover cable - works fine. I even managed to share the printer on the Win98 pc