One news sports presenter - position available?

One news sports presenter - position available?



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 29th August 2008
quotequote all
You guys would have the quals in the motoring section surely.... Go on apply wink


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 30th August 2008
quotequote all

whistle famous ya know laugh

Rainy weather is getting the better of me.... must spend less time visiting here and more time in art roon yes

Edited by Kylie on Saturday 30th August 00:19

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 30th August 2008
quotequote all
I think we should get that nice Mr Stephen Jones over from England. I'm sure he'd be popular with NZ rugby fans

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 30th August 2008
quotequote all
Kylie said:

whistle famous ya know laugh

Some of us wouldn't pass the aesthetic requirements for free TV . . . although if Murray Deaker is OK on Sky pay-TV hehe


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 30th August 2008
quotequote all
Murray Deaker vomit Actually I met his daughter who was dating a good friend of mine, he couldnt imagine having Deaker as a father inlaw so ended the relationship laugh I dont blame him!