Another virus/worm


Marcos maniac

Original Poster:

3,148 posts

272 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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Picked up a virus/worm on my Pc as follows:

Virus Identified: worm/Lolol

is found in file: C/SystemVolumeInformation/-restore{B3D3B164-625B-4F13-93BA-612E9FC676OE}/RP225/A0015660.exe

to remove Run AVG for Windows

Ive run AVG several times, it doesn't detect it

any suggestions


67,280 posts

281 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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Sounds like you need AVG Update No.304...


1,534 posts

265 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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Marcos maniac said:

Picked up a virus/worm on my Pc as follows:

Virus Identified: worm/Lolol

is found in file: C/SystemVolumeInformation/-restore{B3D3B164-625B-4F13-93BA-612E9FC676OE}/RP225/A0015660.exe

to remove Run AVG for Windows

Ive run AVG several times, it doesn't detect it

any suggestions

this folder is a protected folder if your avg is up to date you can add temporary permission to this folder and delete the offending item manually and then remove the permission