Internet Explorer not working?



Original Poster:

817 posts

295 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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I cannot get Internet Explorer working. The program opens but will not connect to any site, it just comes up with 'cannot find server'. I can access websites using AOL (sorry, but I have no choice as it is paid for by work). I am using Windows XP and have all updates as per Microsoft update website.

Hope someone can offer some simple help/advice as I am a complete technophobe.




720 posts

282 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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Got a firewall???
Check to see if IE has permission.


1,534 posts

265 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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Phoenix said:
I cannot get Internet Explorer working. The program opens but will not connect to any site, it just comes up with 'cannot find server'. I can access websites using AOL (sorry, but I have no choice as it is paid for by work). I am using Windows XP and have all updates as per Microsoft update website.

Hope someone can offer some simple help/advice as I am a complete technophobe.



go to tools internet options check proxy and lan settings