video screen shots



Original Poster:

1,300 posts

266 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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When I take a screen dump of windows media player, paused on part of a clip that I want to capture and then paste it into an eg. word document it always just shows a black screen. Does anyone know a way round this ?


90,117 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Do you have any video editing software, Premiere, Director?. XP comes with movie maker. Any of these can take a still pic of a movie.

Alternatively download VirtualDub MPEG-2 it's a free opensource program (small download too) which you can load up a video find the shot you want, press the "print screen" key and paste into any paint package.

johnny boy

340 posts

282 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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If you have something like Paint Shop Pro, just pause the movie at the shot you want and press the PrtSc key.

You can then paste this as an image in PSP and chop the still bit out that you want.

It won't paste directly in to Word I'm afraid


Edited to say, I've just read FWD's post properly! But, the PrtSc trick works in media player as well.

>> Edited by johnny boy on Thursday 11th September 17:11

>> Edited by johnny boy on Thursday 11th September 17:12


90,117 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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johnny boy said:
But, the PrtSc trick works in media player as well.

That is the trouble, it doesn't work. I think he has been pressing "Print Screen" on a paused Media Player, this always results in a black screen when pasting into Word or any paint package. At least it does with V9, might work with older versions of media player.

johnny boy

340 posts

282 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Good point - I'm using media player V7 which does work 'cos I tried it!



90,117 posts

295 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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You'd best not upgrade then There's absolutely no difference between V7 and V9 except further restrictions on what you can do (no screen shots of videos as we have found out) and better web music linking, which no one uses because they all use P2P software.


Original Poster:

1,300 posts

266 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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yeah it is V9 in XP I'm using. I've got an old 98 PC which I presume will have an earlier version, so I'll try that, or the movie maker software. Thanks


11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 12th September 2003
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I find ScreenRip to be a useful piece of software for things like this. I think it's freeware a google search will find it.
If not mail me through my profile and I'll send you a copy - it's only tiny.