Explorer Crashing



Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Windows 2000 SP4

Explorer has started crashing in the last hour, shortly after I boot up the PC. Crashes with

'The instruction at "0x77fcc641" referenced memory at "0x00670068". The memory could not be 'read'" (addresses change).

Any ideas? It's rendered my main PC useless

It's full patched, firewalled and fully anti-virused etc.

Last change was the latest patch from MS last night.


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Notoriously difficult to diagnose.

Last time I had one like that it turned out ot be the virus checker going tits-up, but it could be almost anything.


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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The Symantec virus checker also crashes...


46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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You using the latest version of IE..?

Bizzarely one solution we've found is to open IE... then close it, then reboot. Seems to have a 50% success rate..!


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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I can't run IE either. That just hangs. I can run Netscape.

I guess that suggests a shared DLL problem...?


46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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PetrolTed said:
I can't run IE either. That just hangs. I can run Netscape.

I guess that suggests a shared DLL problem...?

odd.. uninstall IE, then try again..?


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Another thought: maybe try replacing your memory if you have any spare modules lying about, or alternatively look at SimmTester to see if you have a dodgy module.


46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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pdV6 said:
Another thought: maybe try replacing your memory if you have any spare modules lying about, or alternatively look at SimmTester to see if you have a dodgy module.

Maybe, but given it was worked before the last patch (correct?) that would suggest THAT was the issue..?


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Podie said:

Maybe, but given it was worked before the last patch (correct?) that would suggest THAT was the issue..?

Oh yeah - I quite agree. Just something that ocurred to me...


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Logged in as the administrator and all is fine. So it's something specific to my account.

Any bright ideas before I throw the thing out of the window and kick merry hell out of the first person I meet today


46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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PetrolTed said:
Logged in as the administrator and all is fine. So it's something specific to my account.

Any bright ideas before I throw the thing out of the window and kick merry hell out of the first person I meet today

I know that certain programs don't like it when not logged on as an admin ID, but surprised that IE is doing it... it normally only applies to older software.

Why not just continue to use an admin ID...?


11,104 posts

287 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Could SimmTester Help With This?


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Podie said:
Why not just continue to use an admin ID...?

Got too much stuff set up with my profile.


6,482 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Is your profile set up as an admin on the box too? If not, you could always give that a go... Might be something requiring admin rights with the user?



720 posts

282 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Check security setting in IE. OK crashes.
Download and install crazy browser which will use IE as a base???
MS patch buggy? They have been know to do that before. Maybe they have solution.
If XP, how about a restore point?


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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.Mark said:
Could SimmTester Help With This?

Sounds like just the sort of thing that's right up its street!


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Podie said:
Why not just continue to use an admin ID...?

Handy backdoor for trojans - gives them admin access to your PC if they're not caught by the virus checker...


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Thanks, but no joy.

Setting up a new profile now


10,857 posts

278 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Windows XP?
