outlook daylight saving time



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3,198 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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chum is having a problem when sending meeting requests to pc's in his office where the meeting request will vary by an hour depending on who receives / sends the invite. looking at tools/options/calendar options / time zones all have the "adjust for daylight saving time" ticked yet some show different times in the "current time" box.

looking at mine its set to gmt and is ticked yet the time is one hour ahead of the true time. yet my time zones in control panel are gmt with it ticked yet show the correct time as does my clock in the bottom right hand corner?!?

any ideas why the current time box is showing the wrong time? anyone else had a similar prob?



1,114 posts

267 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Are we not in BST rather than GMT at the moment? Until the clocks go back anyhow.