Simple VPN software?


johnny boy

Original Poster:

340 posts

282 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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Afternoon all

I have a fixed I/P address from my ISP and an internal home network.

If I want to have full remote access from work to a device on my home network at, say, I/P address, is there a simple piece of software that will achieve this for me?

I want to avoid going down the hardware route if possible as this is a cost exercise and my home DSL connection is via a PCI card rather than an external router/modem.




16,442 posts

272 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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Simplest way might be to set up passwrod-protected shares on your PC, install a decent firewall (e.g. ZoneAlarm) and set it up to deny incominc traffic to anything except your company's IP range.

Firewall stops intruders & share passwords stops your colleagues.

Not the best solution, I'll grant, but it could work on a budget of £0.00.


5,252 posts

278 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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How about real VNC or setup a VPN on your System, But use a firewall and have it fully updated, daily in the schedule.

Some one on hear could divulge more on the VPN i aint gotta clue



12,425 posts

277 months

Wednesday 10th September 2003
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Software solutions for VPN:

The server:
The client:


486 posts

275 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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how about

Apparently it is very good, although it does not use standard IPSec



11,621 posts

278 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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How many and what type of PC's at home (Win98,XP,2kServer)?



1,143 posts

288 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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Could try running OpenSSH (I assume the server version is availble for wintel).

I use it for remote telent access to my servers at home. Also, with ssh, you can set-up tunnels so for example; I've a port 5900 tunnel so I can VNC onto my desktops.

OpenSSH and VNC are free, only drawback is they require a certain degree of techie knowledge to configure.


johnny boy

Original Poster:

340 posts

282 months

Thursday 11th September 2003
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ErnestM said:
How many and what type of PC's at home (Win98,XP,2kServer)?


Hi Ernest,

I have a main PC running Win 2K Pro and then various other devices attached like a SliMP3 player, surveillance kit, etc. etc.

Each has a fixed I/P address of the form

What I actually want to do is access the surveillance stuff from work, ie translate my fixed external I/P to the I/P address of my internal unit (I think!)

