Did I oversleep?



996 posts

291 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2001
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I'm glad it's not just me. I was beginning to think I'd had a much heavier New Years Eve.


34,443 posts

311 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2001
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Silly problem to do with code interpreting 2/1/2000 as the first of Feb. Usual story - got some code that works, some that doesn't and I'm playing spot the difference!


Original Poster:

97 posts

292 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2001
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All new posts made today on the gassing station are dated 1st February. Did I miss something or has January simply evaporated (still it's nearer springlike roof off weather, so not such a bad idea after all) Some might object to losing a whole month of life though.