Outlook Express Help!



Original Poster:

8,290 posts

259 months

Monday 8th September 2003
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Powered up my PC today, and OE will not run (I get a "MSIMN.EXE has generated errors...." message.

Do I need to re-install OE?

If so, where do I find it?

MS Office, or Windows 2000 disk?

And if I do need to re-install, will I be able to save my old inbox stuff? (loads of important emails in there!)

Any help gratefully recieved!


48,926 posts

259 months

Monday 8th September 2003
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Meeja - I'd suggest reading this:


Edited to say - it looks like your .dbx file might have become corrupt. In which case your data might not be recoverable...

>> Edited by 206xsi on Monday 8th September 15:14