Misbehaving Monitor



Original Poster:

8,058 posts

267 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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The other day I noticed that the colours on the left side of my monitor were paler than the right.

So I fiddled with the contrast and colour settings on the monitor. No joy.

Then I went into desktop and tried resetting the screen themes. No joy.

After much headscratching I came to the conclusion that the monitor was knackered.

I then moved the cordless screwdriver that I'd casually left on my workstation and, as if by magic, colour was restored.

I guess that the powerpack in the screwdriver was interfering in some way with the tube in the monitor.

Be advised.




5,252 posts

278 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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You may find that is was the magnets in the electric screwdriver. Interfering with the colour production.

Sam happens when you put speakers next to TV etc


384 posts

262 months

Tuesday 9th September 2003
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it will be interference, it's pretty common. Even those CRTs with inbuilt speakers have been known to screw up the monitor. One place i worked had something we called the 'magic wand' (yes, we did use it for innuendo purposes) which sometimes fixed the problems (faded picture/blurry)


59 posts

266 months

Tuesday 9th September 2003
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Just in case your monitor doesn't do this automatically on power-on it may be worth going through the menus on the monitor and taking the degaus option - sometimes a magnet symbol with a line through it - this should correct/cure any residual effect caused by the screwdriver.
