Inter Domain Authentication



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34,444 posts

314 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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How can I communicate from to to find out who is logged into

I can't pass cookies across the domain and my attempt to do it with XML also failed.

Any ideas?


4,339 posts

290 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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When someone goes to you can find out who they are on .com by calling a script on the .com domain which gets all the details (i.e. a user id) and then passes the ID back to the .tv domain via a basic html/javascript page. It's a bodge, but it's how Microsoft Passport works. I haven't described it very well so email me if you'd like sample code.


28,377 posts

295 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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I take it this is to allow someone with a PH cookie to access the .TV domain and have the .TV domain "know" who they are?

Easy enough to pass data on the Querystring from .COM to .TV I'd have thought...not elegant but it would work for all *your* links....


28,377 posts

295 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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Bonce said:
When someone goes to you can find out who they are on .com by calling a script on the .com domain which gets all the details (i.e. a user id) and then passes the ID back to the .tv domain via a basic html/javascript page. It's a bodge, but it's how Microsoft Passport works. I haven't described it very well so email me if you'd like sample code.

Damn clever, Bonce. So how do you "consume" the returned page from the .COM domain? Inside of Javascript somehow? We have a propriatary ActiveX control we use for this sort of thing...can you do it without?


10,430 posts

259 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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could you not redirect them to from the .tv domain?

I'm not that familar with cookies so my ramblings are based on guesswork but can you not create cookies with more than one domain? what about holding the system on one server (thats how I presume you are doing it already) and querying the same db with all the usernames and what not (hmm, that wouldn't solve the cookie problem).

A bodge in my view would be to mask the site and redirect them to

As I say ramblings, but something might be useful Doubt it but worth a shot


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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Bonce said:
When someone goes to you can find out who they are on .com by calling a script on the .com domain which gets all the details (i.e. a user id) and then passes the ID back to the .tv domain via a basic html/javascript page. It's a bodge, but it's how Microsoft Passport works. I haven't described it very well so email me if you'd like sample code.

That's what I'm trying currently. I tried it with XML but that didn't work, so am trying it with Javascript now.

If you've got any sample code it will save me a lot more experimentation! Cheers.


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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Don said:
I take it this is to allow someone with a PH cookie to access the .TV domain and have the .TV domain "know" who they are?

Easy enough to pass data on the Querystring from .COM to .TV

I really want a solution where if someone logged into .com just goes to .tv then I can recognise who they are immediately. (i.e. not via my links).


473 posts

288 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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If i understand what your trying to do correctly...

If your using standard IIS5 ASP sessions for authentication I don't believe you can. It may be possible using ASP.NET session management using SQL Server (i.e. directly querying the session database) but I've not delved into this much as yet.

Remember there is no NT authentication taking place as such when a user logs in. All actions by an IIS user are executed under the context of the IUSR_ account.

Where your trying to call a script on .com via xml from .tv, a new ASP session will be created on the .com server. You can't pass the session context from the user on .tv to the user created by contacting .com via XML (presumably your creating an HTTP request using MSXML?)

Theres absolutely no way of making a cookie valid between .com and .tv. You can create cookies that will be visible across sub domains but thats it e.g. a cookie from could be seen by and

You really need to be managing session state outside IIS for this. Drop me an email if you want to explore using .NET session state in SQL, other solutions or if I've made no sense at all!


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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Two solutions seem viable. Some form of ASP/Javascript to grab the cookie from one domain and provide it to the other. I've not been able to make this work yet though as the state does seem to depend on the calling domain.

Secondly - and the way Microsoft do it - is via redirection.


473 posts

288 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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Apologies, I was assuming you wanted to get access to the session data somehow.

A redirection script which puts the required info on the querystring and returns to the 2nd domain seems the simplest solution.


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Sunday 7th September 2003
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Thanks for your help. I think I've cracked it now.

This should open up a few possibilities