Silverstone classic



Original Poster:

3,114 posts

240 months

Thursday 17th July 2008
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As its on our patch who's going from northants area and which days ?


676 posts

280 months

Thursday 17th July 2008
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I'll be there all 3 days - hope you're bringing the 7 on Saturday for the parade laps biggrin


Original Poster:

3,114 posts

240 months

Friday 18th July 2008
quotequote all
percy said:
I'll be there all 3 days - hope you're bringing the 7 on Saturday for the parade laps biggrin
If I get to the classic it will be Fri. as Sat is national wedgefest day at Ettington near Warwick .


469 posts

227 months

Friday 18th July 2008
quotequote all
I'm going on the Friday and will be on the 993 Register display for PCGB. Does anyone fancy a convoy down on the Friday? Meet at J15a Northbound maybe?



Original Poster:

3,114 posts

240 months

Friday 18th July 2008
quotequote all
I will go down the A5 as its near and much less busy , won't know wether I'm going to get there until next week but would be fun to run down with a classic 911 and any other classics !


16,745 posts

228 months

Monday 21st July 2008
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There's an outside chance I may go........


Original Poster:

3,114 posts

240 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2008
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Anyone else ?


12,415 posts

255 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2008
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Me and Di should be there

air cooled

283 posts

214 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2008
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I shall be there on Sunday. smile


3,850 posts

247 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2008
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Me and the Darren hope to visit, although we don't know which day yet (due to fitting in other plans).


Original Poster:

3,114 posts

240 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2008
quotequote all
Gates open at 8am , no doubt there will be many headed that way so thinking of setting off early Fri morning down A5 .