IE6 on XP Pro



Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Bloody thing.

Running IE6 on XP Pro... and have 2 issues...

1) I have the taskbar double height... yet every time I log on, it goes back to the default setting

2) The status bar on the bottom of IE6 has buggered off... (the bit with the progress bar, and security padlock etc etc)

Any suggestions on how to resolve these... otherwise a Dell Inspiron could well be departing the building via a window...


13,116 posts

267 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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2) click view click status bar


Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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pies said:
2) click view click status bar

Where about exactly...?


90,107 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Status bar tick/no tick


13,116 posts

267 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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top line reads (well mine does)


Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Yay! Cheers guys..!

Laptop's not safe yet though... so onto the taskbar issue...

Tried setting it, and then locking it... but still goes back to default settings...


90,107 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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How do you set it? I run XP but cannot drag it around the screen like on 95/98/2000 or resize it using the mouse.


13,116 posts

267 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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How are you locking the taskbar

1,right click on taskbar clicking on "lock taskbar"

2,right click on start button, click "lock taskbar" click on "apply"

If your doing 1 try 2 if 2 im stuffedat the mo


Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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To clarify. The taskbar at the bottom of the screen is normally a set height. I prefer to double the size of the taskbar.

This has been acheived in previous versions of Windows by clicking the top of it, and dragging it up.

In XP, you right click on the taskbar... UNCHECK the "unlock taskbar" option... drag the taskbar up (as above) and then "lock taskbar" again.

Now, IF I lock the taskbar, or leave it unlocked, it ALWAYS defaults to the normal (single) height...


27,252 posts

273 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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The status bar thing is a real bugger. You'll find that new windows start up without one. It's a "known issue", apparantly. Don't you just love being part of Microsoft's Beta Test team?


Original Poster:

46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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miniman said:
The status bar thing is a real bugger. You'll find that new windows start up without one. It's a "known issue", apparantly. Don't you just love being part of Microsoft's Beta Test team?

Sounds like a case of downloading SP1...