hard disk failure



Original Poster:

3,198 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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chum of mine has a hp pc thats saying "hard disk not found" after the blue HP screen when u turn it on. any ideas bar taking things out and putting them back in again or doing fdisk and reassigning the drive?


9,396 posts

269 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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billb said:
chum of mine has a hp pc thats saying "hard disk not found" after the blue HP screen when u turn it on. any ideas bar taking things out and putting them back in again or doing fdisk and reassigning the drive?

Sounds like you already know the drill


473 posts

288 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Worth trying the drive on a different IDE controller or channel if possible. I've never had a disk fail but have had controllers fail leading me to believe the disk was at fault.


7,922 posts

272 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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My PC did this to me a couple of months ago. Before you do all the clever stuff, try switching the PC off at the socket and leaving it for 15-20 minutes, then when you switch it back on, give the casing a firm tap. It worked for me.

Disclaimer: Don't blame me if it all goes wrong!!


720 posts

282 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Sgirl is on the money with one of the quick fixes.
Can you hear the disc spin up?
Is it making a clicking sound?
Any sound at all?
Swapping out is another good test but don't forget that it may even be a bad connection either power or IDE cable.
Sometimes it may just be the cable has come a little adrift from the motherboard.
Lots of possabilities. I know that hdd are cheap now but it is probably worth trying to get the old one going as I bet your friend has not got everything backed up
If you want to save the data on the hd try checking the mechanical connections before using fdisk.


90,107 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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SGirl said:
then when you switch it back on, give the casing a firm tap. It worked for me.

Aaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my kind of fixing!


48,926 posts

259 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Try getting in the BIOS at boot (often F12 or DEL) - check to see if that can find the drive, or indeed what it is reporting if anything...might give you some pointers