Undelivered mail I didn't send - help

Undelivered mail I didn't send - help



Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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I'm getting lots of e-mails saying my message was undelivered due to either a full mailbox or that a virus was detected.

I've checked with an uptodate norton and my machine is virus free and I never sent the e-mails in the first place.

I've got zonealarm but its not running atm cos it just stops all traffic for some reason, so will have to reinstall it, but other than that, the pc isn't left online while i'm not using it.

Any ideas as to what could be the cause.


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Maybe that it was the virus that went around a few weeks ago.

The virus/worm invaids the inbox and sends several mails to people in the address box and also randomises the sender. so this could be the answer.



5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Or could be that some one is using a hotmail accoutn in outlook and changes there email address so that it looks like you are sending mail when you are not. I had this problem before.


PS if the email is been bounced back to you look at the source of the message and do an IP trace and see if it matchs your IP range for your ISP

Size Nine Elm

5,167 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Ive had the same - at an email address I haven't used for 8 months - and the anti-virus lights up when they come in.

Delete and ignore...


34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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I'm getting lots of these. The virus spoofs your email address. Then it gets rejected but the rejection message goes back to you rather than the system that really sent the email.

I even had some stroppy bloke ring me up this week. "You've sent me a virus!" etc. He didn't seem prepared to believe that it was due to my email address had been spoofed (his email address wasn't in my address book nor anywhere else on my systems)


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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I have resorted to digitally signing my email from Verisign so that when i send business emails it shows they are genuin Small cost to pay to keep in the good books with clients £10 a year for a Verisign account



11,662 posts

271 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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PetrolTed said:
I even had some stroppy bloke ring me up this week. "You've sent me a virus!" etc. He didn't seem prepared to believe that it was due to my email address had been spoofed (his email address wasn't in my address book nor anywhere else on my systems)

Had the same problem; I was sent this awhile back.....
"I think this email was sent to us in error.

If not, then do you seriously think we are going to open the attachment??

One more email from your company and we will report the abuse.



7,848 posts

271 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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This is the SoBig virus. It contains an SMTP email engine and searches your machine for anything that looks like and email address and sends itself to them, *forging the From: address*.

Any recipient who bounces Sobig to the forged originator is an idiot.


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Thanks for the replies. I got your mail stc.

If it is the sobig virus, has it come from me or someone with my e-mail addy in their address book?

Is there anything I can do to stop it - I hate being blamed for something i'm not responsible for.


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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It can be from someone else who has your email in there address book
