bios problem



Original Poster:

1,938 posts

260 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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Hi I was playing around in bios on my pc at home and inadvertantly changed a setting and now the machine wont switch on, not even the monitor or keyboard. It wont boot from floppy or cd drive. I switched the 'boot command' to 'default' and now I am stuck, any ideas?


9,396 posts

269 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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well that was silly wasnt it, reset the old bios chap...... have a look through you manual as the procedure changes from machine to machine, but on alot of boards it is a simple case of disconnect power from the motherboard, remove on board battery (if there is one) and wait about 5 mins for it to die before putting everything back, but all depends on the machine .


300 posts

277 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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also, there is often a jumper you need to move across a couple of pins, leave for a few seconds, then back again. It'll be in your motherboard manual or on the manufacturers website.