VB6 to VB.Net upgrade



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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We have been using Visual Studio 6 Enterprise for a while now, is it worth pgrading to Visual Studio ,Net Version.

60% of the time it is used for rapid software development to obtain contract quicker than our competitors then we use Visual C for the main Software.

Is it worth upgrading to Visual Studio.net



9,396 posts

269 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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YES and NO

YES because microshaft have ceased support of 6

NO because of all the potential conversion work.

YES it's a much better product

NO labour for studio 6 is cheaper

YES it is OO

NO it still has thousands of bugs against it

the list goes on


67,280 posts

281 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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If you're gonna its a potential redesign of everything you have.

Its the future of MS development for sure (assuming everyone of that ilk doesnt ditch VB6 in favour of C#) but its a bit of a pay now get benefit later affair.

Single function inheritance is a bit of an OO misnoma but handy for simple, really simple, abstract logic.

MS will eventually force people onto it or provide some bridges so its a case of whether you are liquid enough (and I mean that in no casting aspertions way! ) to take the hit of the redesign in this economic climate or are you happy enough to leave everything as is for the time being.

My 2 cents...


108 posts

263 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Definitely worth upgrading. I'm not suggesting converting the existing apps.

But mainly for new apps. You can take advantage of the rich class libraries and you will cut your development time when compared to classic VS, once you get your head around true OO.

I feel like a pig in 5hit, using .NET (mainly coding in C#).
