Yellow Tuscan Racer?



Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
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Seems there's a yellow Tuscan racer in the far north.... Could this be the one that was for sale down south at Kazaa?

Maybe he'll be along soon to tell us...


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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That'll be Trappy's old one for sure... didn't know it had moved north... hopefully the new owner has more success at getting it road reg'd


221 posts

251 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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Correct team. Jim currently working with him to get it on the road. Should all pan out once a cople of hurdles are overcome. Fantastic!


2,191 posts

278 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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I really would like to have had a chance of owning that car but without giving away two of my cars I don't have the funding. (which is also hindering my desire for the V12 E Type for sale at McGuinness Classics)


31,343 posts

265 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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'sok , you can give me at least one of them.....

Hows the hotel doing btw?


2,191 posts

278 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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RobDickinson said:
'sok , you can give me at least one of them.....

Hows the hotel doing btw?
Which one do you want at a not such a giveaway pricewink TVR not going though!

Motel been doing really well, very busy right up until the clocks went back - darker nights and colder so less people out and about. Also price of petrol putting people off travelling but has been steady through winter.
Need a Pistonheads gathering in Hawke's Bay 'cos I can't get out anymore! Not even to look at that E Type... frown


31,343 posts

265 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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Bah, dont leave me with the toyoda!!! smile

oneday we'll make it up to your neck of the woods, still havnt done that area at all, prolly end up driving up with bikes/surfboards etc. one day...

new website looks the biz!