SQL 2000 Master DB



Original Poster:

27,252 posts

273 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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I'm in our US office trying to restore a SQL 2000 db to a local PC. I can restore all the regular databases, but the developers in the UK told me I also need to restore the MASTER database. I did this by running SQL in single user mode, but now I can't get back in through Enterprise Manager.

Is this because the user / password details for sa are stored in MASTER?


1,826 posts

286 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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miniman said:
I'm in our US office trying to restore a SQL 2000 db to a local PC. I can restore all the regular databases, but the developers in the UK told me I also need to restore the MASTER database. I did this by running SQL in single user mode, but now I can't get back in through Enterprise Manager.

Is this because the user / password details for sa are stored in MASTER?

If you rebuild the master database (which includes all user logins/passwords) you loose these entries, plus all the other data stored in the master database - the password therefore will now be NULL.

You should be able to re-load the last good copy of the master database dump back, but it's not completely straight forward as it sounds as you will also need to be aware that devices/database have to be recreated in the correct order or this will cause you problems further down the line.

PS - never trust a developer when it comes to looking after databases!