Copying a HDD from one disk to another

Copying a HDD from one disk to another



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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My new HDD's just arrived. I want to copy my existing 60gig partition on my old HDD to a 60gig partition on my new drive (then resize it up to 160gig).

What software is good for this ? Is there anything that's available FOC ? I've got Norton Ghost, but it seems to hit a 2gig limit on the compressed image file, then stops ...



9,294 posts

276 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Drive Image should be fine..

2gb is a filesystem limit iirc. but... I seem to recall that it just moves onto the next file .1 .2 etc.

Ghost / Drive Image should work...

Another way is just to mirror the hdd using A raid controller / Windows 2000, and then create a second 100gb partition after it.. then remove the first hdd and replace it in the same position on the cable (so the mount points are the same for the boot.ini) not quite as 'clean' a solution..


46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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.. personally I'm a command prompt fan... I'd go for something like robocopy with the /s /h /r /e /c switches... :geek:


90,107 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Wouldn't the really obvious solution here be setting up the discs as master and slave on the same machine and copying from one to the other.

Can't you copy a 60gb HDD onto a 160gb HDD just by doing this. Or am I missing something?


8,568 posts

294 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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You wouldn't get an exact copy, as certain files (open or system files) wouldn't be copied over.


1,143 posts

288 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Agree in part with FWD, but it depends if you want to simply copy files (ie documents etc) or whether you want to copy sector to sector, in which case you'll need something like ghost. IIRC partition magic has something similar, let me have a butchers since that will overcome the 2gb limit....

Otherwise file copying, connect both to the MOBO either via 2 leads or a 2 way lead and set one as a master (the one with the boot os) and the other as a slave.



8,568 posts

294 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Which version of Ghost are you using btw? Ghost shouldn't have any problems with HDD sizes bigger than 2GB.


2,258 posts

270 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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If copying under windows you can setup as master and slave. Boot of original drive then partition and format /s second drive then from a "WINDOWS" (not F8 boot DOS type) command prompt and do

xcopy c: d: /c /h /e /r /k /y

as long as drives are c and d obvioulsy replace drive letter with appropriate ones. This should get all files except the windows swap file IIRC. Can't remember if I've used this on NT based (2000/XP) systems. Give it a go if it doesn't work shell out for drivecopy from powerquest.


9,294 posts

276 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Personally, if your in no hurry, it never hurts to reinstall every so often, keeps it running nice and fast.. and only takes a few hrs to get back to where you left off...

But if not, then ^----- lots of suggestions


46,645 posts

286 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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malman said:
If copying under windows you can setup as master and slave. Boot of original drive then partition and format /s second drive then from a "WINDOWS" (not F8 boot DOS type) command prompt and do

xcopy c: d: /c /h /e /r /k /y

as long as drives are c and d obvioulsy replace drive letter with appropriate ones. This should get all files except the windows swap file IIRC. Can't remember if I've used this on NT based (2000/XP) systems. Give it a go if it doesn't work shell out for drivecopy from powerquest.

Problem with xcopy is that it's not quite as pobust as robocopy... IMHO.

Still, I'd go with what Jaimie says... a rebuilt can't hurt.


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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Thanks for all the replies everyone

Drivecopy sounds like it would do the trick, trouble is I just begrudge spending 40 quid for something I'll just use the once.

I was contemplating a rebuild earlier today. Thing is

a) the time issue (I have LOTS of stuff installed)
b) the configuration issue (I have XP set up exactly as I like, and I've made lots of ad hoc changes, stuff that people have mentioned, I've tweeked, then instantly forgotten how I did it !)
c) for the first 3 months of XP usage it annoyed the sh*t out of me by constantly asking stupid questions ... boy was I glad when it finally quit !
d) I'm bound to forget something I need
e) I have various bits of software which I dont have the disk for any more

I ought to mention at this time that the reason why I'm replacing my HDD is that the old one is on it's way out, so it's not like I can keep the old disk (sooner or later it's going to pack in)

I've got Nortom Systemworks 2002 (v5 ?). Ghost seems to create a file up to 2g, then error (even on a FAT32 partition). I think I remember even reading something about it in the manual, last time I was trying to do it.

FWD : as I understand it, there are lots of hidden files, and certain files have to be in certain positions on the disk, so it has to be a "proper" partition copy, not just a file copy.

Thanks again all ..... any other ideas ?

(p.s. anyone got a copy of Drive Image 7 I could BORROW just for ONE use ? )

editted fer spelin.

>> Edited by nevpugh308 on Wednesday 3rd September 21:54


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
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Have just tried Ghost again, and it comes up with "an internal inconsistency has been detected" and stops half way through. Bu99er.


2,258 posts

270 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Try the xcopy or robocopy (isn't this in the resource kit?). You have nothing to lose as its going to your second disk. If it boots and works then thats it. If it doesn't work then got the drivecopy route.


46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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malman said:
Try the xcopy or robocopy (isn't this in the resource kit?). You have nothing to lose as its going to your second disk. If it boots and works then thats it. If it doesn't work then got the drivecopy route.

robocopy is resource kit...


48,926 posts

259 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Split new drive in to 2 partitions

Use Windows Backup to backup the current partition to disk on the 2nd partition of the new drive (which has room for that plus OS).

Install Windows on 1st partition, then restore over the top from the backup

Email me for more info if you need - I work for large software company who make backup stuff


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Right, just an update first ... I tried Ghost yet again, and it always fails about 9 gig in. Dunno why. I also downloaded the demo of Drive Image (Drive Copy does not work with XP by the way) ... but this blue screened my PC !! Had to roll back to the previous known good registry, it wouldn't even load in safe mode ! Tried this a few times, with no sucess.

So, it's Robocopy of 206xsi's suggestion. I'll try Robocopy first.

206xsi ... where is Windows Backup ... I can't find it (even in F1 help for Windows ...) ?



90,107 posts

295 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Only other imaging software that I can think of to do the job if Ghost is failing is Veritas Back-up. You'd have to pay for it though


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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I dont mind paying if it's reasonable ... I do mind paying 40 or 50 quid for one use !

Thanks for the name FWD, I didn't know about them, off to have a look

(have just downloaded Robocopy, and the manual is scaring me ! )


48,926 posts

259 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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Nev - what OS do you have?

For NT, 2000, XP, 2003 it's in Pograms,accessories,system tools, Backup.

It is Basically Veritas Backup Exec stripped down by MS.

Don't even think about buying BE - it's not priced for home users. However, you could download it from, then install it without serial numbers for 30 days (version 9.0), or 60 days (version 8.6). I'd plump for 8.6 as that's the one with the same engine as Windows Backup

Edited cos something screwed up!

>> Edited by 206xsi on Thursday 4th September 21:56


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 4th September 2003
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All I've got under Programs, Accessories, System tools is : character map, disk cleanup, disk defrag, file and transfer wizard, scheduled tasks, system information and system restore (but that's registry settings)

And there's nothing in add/remove programs either, to add it.

I'm running Win XP Home
