Oracle Install Problem



Original Poster:

7,483 posts

267 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Help needed please:

I am trying to install Oracle 8.1.7 Client onto a Windows XP Workstation.
I've got a copy of the CD on the network, and when I run Setup.exe on an NT workstation the Oracle Universal Installer starts up. When I try the same thing on the XP workstation I get an hourglass then nothing happens. Meanwhile setup.exe appears as a process briefly then disappears.

The installation notes don't list XP as a supported OS, although Win 2000 is? Am I here or is there some sort of workaround? The Oracle installer is a Java app as I understand


10,857 posts

278 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Check out this dbforum thread:




46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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8.1.7 does work on XP...


Original Poster:

7,483 posts

267 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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GregE240 said:
Check out this dbforum thread:


Thanks Greg, will try this out after lunch.


Original Poster:

7,483 posts

267 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Thanks folks, especially Greg.

Not only have I managed to install Oracle successfully but I've now got a legitimate use of Pistonheads if my boss asks me why I use it so much!


10,857 posts

278 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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You're welcome danhay. Nice of someone to come back and say what someone suggested worked (stares hard at Podie!)


46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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GregE240 said:
You're welcome danhay. Nice of someone to come back and say what someone suggested worked (stares hard at Podie!)

Hey, 8.1.7. works on mine!


1,143 posts

288 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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The issue with 8.1.7 on XP is limited to the server install rather than the client. It will install on XP (client and server), but the server install requires a bit of persusion, plus it's a bit flaky, but Oracle on Microshite OS has never been a strong thing. Ok for personal / development purposes.

Email me offline if you want more info (OCP DBA)



Original Poster:

7,483 posts

267 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Our servers are Unix, it's the client side progs and support apps that run on XP workstations.

All our Oracle/Unix chaps are on hols or off sick, so it's falling to me to do it

(I should have known saying I knew a bit of PL/SQL in the job interview would come back to bite me! )