SMS Server?



Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Monday 1st September 2003
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Nope, not microsoft.

I need a thing that will let me convert emails to text. The server monitoting software sends an email to and address which then goes to a phone as a message.

Any ideas PH?


2,750 posts

295 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Many moons ago I rigged something up using some free software (for Linux, sorry if that's not your bag) called Kannel. It was lashed up to a spare mobile phone (Nokia 2140!) via a serial cable/datacard and used the standard AT command set extensions for sending and receiving SMS messages.

You'll have to Google for it though, as it's late and I have a headache.


299 posts

265 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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There are a number of SMS gateways available...