Hotmail after installing Norton
Sorry folks for an off topic topic. I've just installed Noron internet security 2003. And everything seems to be going fine expect that when I go to hotmail it doesn't show anything.
Specifically I go to the page and then put i my username and p'word it refreshes the page and says done in the bottom left of the browser but absolutely nothing is displayed on the page.
Obviously this makes it rather awkward to check my mail!
Any help welcomed (urgently eek)
Specifically I go to the page and then put i my username and p'word it refreshes the page and says done in the bottom left of the browser but absolutely nothing is displayed on the page.
Obviously this makes it rather awkward to check my mail!
Any help welcomed (urgently eek)

I did have that problem once when i setup a proxy server, i dont think its anything to do with the firewall. Try deleting all your cookies and see if that makes a difference. Failing that it may be that you are blocking cookies from being downloaded and as hotmail cant write the cookie it just resends the page as it assumes you arnt logged in.
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