Need a new PC case...



Original Poster:

9,322 posts

286 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Having spent the weekend 'modding' a mate's PC case (side window, LED fans, etc.), he said to me 'Why don't you modify yours? You're unemployed and bored at home it'll give you a project.'
So I thought, why the hell not, unfortunatly I'll need a new case as the ideas I have aren't compatable with my current case.
I need a case with:
2 USB ports at the front.
Room for 2 80mm fans at the front side by side, with a blank area in front of them (so I can cut my own shape into it and have a glow from the fans coming through).
Room for one or two 80mm fans at the back near the top.
Removable top section.
Cheap (ie. less than £60)
Doesn't need to have a PSU.

There are probably loads of cases like this about, but I can't find the exact specs for any of them, so I was hoping someone here has bought one recently and could tell me what the insides look like!




2,977 posts

295 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Have a look at a brand new mag called Custom PC on the newsstand now. They've got a review of PC cases...

Usual disclaimer applies.


9,396 posts

269 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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hmmmmm, lacks power for yer PC


20,854 posts

286 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Phew! Where to start!

I bought a case off E-buyer the other day for a tenner. Front looks quite funky, the power supply has behaved and the internals were fine for the modest, peasant requirements I have! Anyways...

For your budget you should be able to get neon lights and and go-faster stripes......

....the all "alooooooominum" cases are double your price but:

is here

...and to my mind only beaten by those Shuttle cases.....

Just a thought!

Postscript - I looked through the reviews section which had comments like "Space for 3 internal fans (2 rear, 1 forward)" before you think I only went for the looks

>> Edited by beano500 on Sunday 31st August 23:30


7,412 posts

264 months

Monday 1st September 2003
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A Keg of Stella (Last weeks MicroMart). Though i think it will be too small for what you have.
I have seen some great cases latly at some of these computer fairs though. You might want to take a look.