Reducing pic size



Original Poster:

13,116 posts

267 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Anybody know of some software to reduce the size/resolution of pics,my digital camera takes very high resolution pics.i dont want to merely cut and resize them.Hope you know what i mean

This causes problems for uploading etc



2,190 posts

280 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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I use Photoshop for the TVRCC Bristol Region website.
Point it at a folder of photos and it goes ahead and produces a set of thumbnails, main images and index pages with no pain.

Only trick I've needed on top of the Web Gallery results is to strip the suprising amount of crap associated with each image (author, date, shutter speed, etc.). Depending on the camera this can be a couple of K which is very significat on a thumbnail that should only be half a K. So I have a Photoshop Droplet that strips all the crap off before I upload.

Photoshop is a bit OTT for home website construction, but I have it installed on my PC, so I might as well use it

Edited to get the bloomin URL working properly. Must remember the http:// next time...

>> Edited by Nacnud on Sunday 31st August 11:55


720 posts

282 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Depends on how much you want to do.
If you want a fully featured package and have the time to learn it,
get photoshop.
If you just want to send pictures by email and basically use it for looking after your digital photos with the usual stuff like red eye remover etc then I recommend Jasc Paint Shop Photo Album.
It will organise your photos, automatically reduce them down for email and you can even make vcd's and send them of to the rellies.

Very easy to use and ideal for someone who isn't going to become a graphic designer.
Cheap too.


11,621 posts

278 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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If you are on a budget, Adobe also make an entry level package called Photoshop Elements. It does what you want plus other things...



Edited To Add:

>> Edited by ErnestM on Sunday 31st August 13:14


12,425 posts

277 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Doesn't the omnipresent MS Paint resize pictures too?


720 posts

282 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Not really. Least not when I just had a look.
For free a program for image viewing and small jobs I like IrfanView. It will do the resize thingy. So will Gimp, I know.
It's just that a couple of my mates wanted something that was easy to use and was a bit better than the software they got with their digital cams.
Perhaps if pies gives us a bit more info about what he wants, then we may be able to give better advice.


Original Poster:

13,116 posts

267 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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I only really need basic reduction for e-mail and possibly putting a few photos on a web site,nothing major "elements" looks good



12,425 posts

277 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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I've just asked my brother how to resize a picture with MS Paint (on Win98):
Open a picture in Paint, then press Ctrl+K.
Give values in %
Should do the trick


Original Poster:

13,116 posts

267 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Does bu66er all in XP


720 posts

282 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Yeh. Does resizing by cutting bits off the photo
And if you want to increase the size it pastes in the space with the background colour.

Pies. While your in the Adobe shop, check out their Photoshop Album. Might be all you need and probably a lot cheaper.


12,425 posts

277 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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pies said:
Does bu66er all in XP
It should work in XP as well; I bet a pint on this

The menu commands should be #Image #Stretch and Pull (well something like stretch and pull; I can't get hold of the English commands)

Then enter the percentage for horizontal and vertical stretching. Both values must be the same to maintain the correct proportions


Original Poster:

13,116 posts

267 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Cheers Bodo only works from the menu bar (no ctrl)

I think i'll use that for now then when setting up website i'll use "elements"

Cheers all


12,425 posts

277 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Pies, take care that you save the resized images into a new file, when you want to store the original big ones for use at a later date


720 posts

282 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Thanks Bodo.
Is called Stretch/Skew...Ctrl+W over here.
Works well. Well, is good for quick reduction in size of image. Saves in png as well.
Live and learn.
I've poured you a pint.


12,425 posts

277 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Thanks for clarification of the English commands, rjo


2,190 posts

280 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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On XP I know you can also use Micrsoft Photo Editor. Both Photo Editor and Paint still only do one image at a time.

I don't know if Photoshop Elements has the Web Gallery feature, quite a lot of the full Photoshop functionality I use frequently is missing in Elements.


10,430 posts

259 months

Sunday 31st August 2003
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Em, Irfranview ( greatest viewer, resizer... on the web!

Plus it does things in batch's (i.e. specifiy these files, rename them to x or resize them 40% of their original size (40% = 1600*1024-640*480 )

Great little program!


7,483 posts

267 months

Monday 1st September 2003
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pies said:
Does bu66er all in XP

If you've got XP, then when viewing the piccies in Windows Explorer, once you've selected a picture, one of the options is to E-mail this File. If you select this it will ask if you want to make the file smaller for upload purposes. (If you click on Show More Options it lets you choose the resolution). After you've said yes, then you get a New Mail, and the picture is there as an attachment which you can then 'Save As' or E-mail.

>> Edited by danhay on Monday 1st September 13:14


90,106 posts

295 months

Monday 1st September 2003
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docevi1 said:
Em, Irfranview ( greatest viewer, resizer... on the web!

Plus it does things in batch's (i.e. specifiy these files, rename them to x or resize them 40% of their original size (40% = 1600*1024-640*480 )

Great little program!

Seconded, great program