Virus? NT Rebooting



Original Poster:

1,676 posts

275 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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I've been called to a customer site because one their servers was shutting down every 3-4 minutes.

I thouhgt it would be the blaster worm but having looked at the machine I can find no trace of it...

Any ideas???

Its NT4.0 sp6a


9,396 posts

269 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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it's not a heat problem is it?


8,161 posts

283 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Power supply? one of a mates lab machnes kept rebooting - thought it was blaster (which it had), after removing & cleaning up, it kept doing it - turned out to be a dodgy power supply.


Original Poster:

1,676 posts

275 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Isolated the prob now thanks guys...

Machine was recieving dodgy packets from some idiots unprotected laptop

Had to use a packet analyser to find the bloody thing!!!