Where can I get.......



Original Poster:

11,662 posts

271 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Replacement batteries for a Toshiba 4600 laptop? Preferably as cheap as possible? Also a replacement keyboard for the same (chance to get hold of a rather sorry looking laptop which I want to re-condition and use).

One last thing what can I use to clean a laptop screen? (Obviously the last person to use the thing had too many piston head coffee moments).


2,258 posts

270 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Batteries you can probably get from www.eurobatteries.com. Clean the sceen with anti stat foam cleaner (safe clense type stuff) and a soft cloth or soft paper towel. I've seen one that someone used a brillo pad on, ohh dear what a mess.

Keyboards - Not sure who does the spares for tosh now. I think XMA might still do them. www.xma.co.uk. Errrrrrrrrm yep just checked the website and they still do Tosh spares this include official Tosh batteries.

Hope that helps



6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Laptop batteries a a complete rip off. Try ebay.



Original Poster:

11,662 posts

271 months

Monday 1st September 2003
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Thanks folks. A bit loath to use ebay for batteries though as they may not been in any better condition.


637 posts

282 months

Monday 1st September 2003
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Try these guys:


Cheapest place I found for my Acer.