backup devices/mass storage



Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Following on from the ghost thread. I'm in the market for a USB2 or a firewire external hard drive. We'll need to be able to boot the laptop from a CD (no FDD) read the external device and be able to use ghost or whatever.

We'll need about 120GB.

any ideas??



384 posts

262 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Maxtors models have got pretty good reviews

Their external ones have firewire and USB in most cases


8,568 posts

294 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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I've just ordered an Iomega 120GB drive, which comes with Ghost and some other backup software.

Also Lacie do some nice ones (200/250GB), but they are a bit more expensive.


11,669 posts

261 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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ehasler said:
I've just ordered an Iomega 120GB drive, which comes with Ghost and some other backup software.

Also Lacie do some nice ones (200/250GB), but they are a bit more expensive.

Wahhhhhhhh! - cancel your order!!!! - Iomega suck big style - we tried using Iomega years ago and had nothing but problems with their stuff, there were hosts of users in various forums constantly complaining about their equipment and after sales support.

I wonder if they managed to get their sh1t together but from past experience I would never recommend them, especially with the prevalence of other options now.



8,568 posts

294 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Too late!

It's in the post...


Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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ehasler said:
Too late!

It's in the post...

can I ask how much and where from?



8,568 posts

294 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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I got it from

Price was about £150 + VAT

They do quite a few different types of external drive:


Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Right so how big do with think a ghost image of XP pro with office xp will be. Assume standard installs!

I can turn compression right up.
