ghost alternatives??



Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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We get our new laptops next week. I intend to build a couple of images which we can then use to rebuild very easily and was thinking about using Ghost, however it has been a while since I've done this and so wondered what the alternatives were??

Any suggestions??



67,280 posts

281 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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XP has this sort of functionality built in doesnt it?

Not sure how good it is though...


Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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plotloss said:
XP has this sort of functionality built in doesnt it?

Not sure how good it is though...

Does it? Where? What command?



67,280 posts

281 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Do a search in the help for System Restore Wizard.

That will allow you to create a restore point to roll back to should everything go south.

I think you can schedule the creation of these as well...


10,857 posts

278 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Think David meant creation of an entire Image, Matt.

Ghosts alright, PowerQuests software is pretty good too. Worth a look.


Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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plotloss said:
Do a search in the help for System Restore Wizard.

That will allow you to create a restore point to roll back to should everything go south.

I think you can schedule the creation of these as well...

Alas I'm after s/w to create disk images which I can then use to recreate the machine in the event of a hard drive failure. Or to roll out to a number of machines without pissing about doing installs (the hardware is exactly the same).



593 posts

277 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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ghost is the mutts nuts, there is (IMHO) nothing better.
I've just used it on contract to load dell PC's and the win2K image complete was loaded in 11 mins ready to rock and/or roll. NT4 images were done in 6 mins.

*stands by to be shot down......*


67,280 posts

281 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Apologies for the confusion


11,669 posts

261 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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lotusfan said:
ghost is the mutts nuts

seconded, we use it all the time - especially the feature to steam the image from a server using TCP/IP.



Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Ah, taking an image from the server is a good idea. Is there a way I can connect a pc with no os to the network (and no floppy so boot CD only..).



593 posts

277 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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that feature is so rarely used though and its really great for larger groups.
A company I worked for had it and could remotely shut down, rebuild and be back working in ten minutes on any machine anywhere in the company
beats a site visit every time.


593 posts

277 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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davidd said:
Ah, taking an image from the server is a good idea. Is there a way I can connect a pc with no os to the network (and no floppy so boot CD only..).


yep, the server version can build floppy images to suite most net cards and you can modify it if your card isn't listed, this floppy can then be used as the boot master for a cd image. I use it with nero and make bootable autoinstalling ghost images, fire it up and walk off to the next machine. The server verson waits until all the machines are ready and then broadcasts the image to all those running the remote installer. You can do a whole office in minutes.


11,669 posts

261 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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davidd said:
Ah, taking an image from the server is a good idea. Is there a way I can connect a pc with no os to the network (and no floppy so boot CD only..).


umm, probably, never done it off CD we've always used a floppy.

However: should get you going, especially if you can combine a Ghost boot disk onto the CD.



Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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Can anyone tell me if the ghost 2003 CD is bootable ?? (I think it is).

I also have a feeling it is compatible with the iomega usb/firewire drive



593 posts

277 months

Friday 29th August 2003
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