Dell keyboard 'mute' button
Guess you've tried the usual customer support stuff - ae your speaker plugged in are the switched on - oh you can actually hear sound, can you control it via the colume control etc....
So I'm guessing Windoze? - what flavour?
ahhhh... that'll be a complete OS reinstallion then...
sorry I'm not helping much... try resinstalling the keyboard driver - if that doesn't work - try unistalling the keyboard driver and then resinstalling it.
try a second keyboard?
try remapping the volume control & mute control to different keys on the keyboard - rules out faulty buttons.
try remappinf some other function to the volume and mute keys...
divide and conqueur

So I'm guessing Windoze? - what flavour?
ahhhh... that'll be a complete OS reinstallion then...
sorry I'm not helping much... try resinstalling the keyboard driver - if that doesn't work - try unistalling the keyboard driver and then resinstalling it.
try a second keyboard?
try remapping the volume control & mute control to different keys on the keyboard - rules out faulty buttons.
try remappinf some other function to the volume and mute keys...
divide and conqueur
Ther eshould be a utillity prog in Control Panel somewhere to set up all your buttons - try remapping them to do something else like start your web browser and see if they work doing that.
btw - what is the system and keyboard model - bit bored right now (20 mins till Emerdale) so I'll see what I can find
>> Edited by theexcession on Thursday 28th August 18:42
btw - what is the system and keyboard model - bit bored right now (20 mins till Emerdale) so I'll see what I can find

>> Edited by theexcession on Thursday 28th August 18:42
I've got the same keyboard and there is no such utility running in the backgroud. Maybe it's just a dodgy button
One thing I do find irritating is not having a proper hardware volume control on the speakers - I find the windows volume controlled from the keyboard too coarse at lower volume: it's either nothing or too loud! and if the PC crashes you loose all control of sound output!

One thing I do find irritating is not having a proper hardware volume control on the speakers - I find the windows volume controlled from the keyboard too coarse at lower volume: it's either nothing or too loud! and if the PC crashes you loose all control of sound output!

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