binging shift



Original Poster:

7,412 posts

264 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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Sound found this out and i can't figure out why it happens.

If you are using Windows2000 lock it using the CTRL, ALT and DEL. once locked keep tapping the Shift key and you will hear a "yelp" (almost).
Anyone know why this is...hmmm


126 posts

274 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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Its 'stickyKeys' part of the windows accessibility options , i.e. if you pres shift, ctrl or alt 5 times it'll turn it on, so next time you hist shift it acts like a "shift lock"

to turn it off goto the control panel, then to accessibility options, then click on the settings options for sticky keys and turn it off , or just dont hit shift too many times