Web/email Hosting advice



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8,161 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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As I'm shortly leaving uni, where I've had the same e-mail address for 7 years, I thought it might be a good time to set up a new account with e-mail and web hosting.

What I'm after is a small amount of webspace (25MB ish), and POP3 or (preferably) IMAP e-mail addresses (More than 1 would be good). I don't really want to spend too much cash, but I'm not averse to paying for a good service

I noticed www.easyspace.com do something along those lines, but with POP3 e-mail, and was wondering if anyone else had any recommendations?


34,444 posts

314 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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www.easily.co.uk are very good.


473 posts

288 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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I use webecs.com - about £7/month for hosting and pop3 with webmail.


Original Poster:

8,161 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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Cheers Ted,

I've narrowed it down to the following few suppliers (in order of my preference) and was wondering if anyone has any opinions on them/recommendations (usual naming and shaming rules apply etc)?

www.webhosting.uk.com/ - £19.99 p/a, does evrything I need, plus 5 IMAP accounts + webmail which is a bonus)

www.gohosting.co.uk/ - both £23.99 p/a, seem to be identical,but streamlinenet seems the more professional site. Only do POP3 email accounts +webmail though. Plus side is they have 25MB more hosting than webhosting.co.uk, but do I really need more than 75MB? Edited to add: Oops, they are the same - both done by streamlinenet, just checked the small print

www.easily.co.uk/ - At £54.98 quite a bit more expensive (I don't want their cheapest option as it doesn't allow subdirectories for your webpage, and no ftp access). Plus side they are recommended by Petrolted

>> Edited by Fatboy on Wednesday 27th August 18:43


27,250 posts

273 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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Do you want a "fatboy@minispecial.com" or suchlike email address? I should be able to set that up for free...


Original Poster:

8,161 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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miniman said:
Do you want a "fatboy@minispecial.com" or suchlike email address? I should be able to set that up for free...

Cheers for the offer mate, but I also need somewhere to host my website (pointless as it is ), and if I get one with multiple addresses possible I can set them up for my Brother and Mum without any hassle when they forget their passwords


27,250 posts

273 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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How big a site are you planning? If it's not too huge, I can probably sneak it onto our server...


Original Poster:

8,161 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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It's about 12MB at the moment, and will be growing as soon as I finish updating the mini build diary (I haven't found the time to update it since I put the rollcage in - too busy with PH and occasional work )
As soon as I get my thesis finished I was planning on getting right up to speed - probably about 20-25MB all in?

>> Edited by Fatboy on Wednesday 27th August 19:01


27,250 posts

273 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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Let me have a word tomorrow and I'll get back to you.

Devils Advocate

44 posts

265 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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Try looking at 1&1 here
Seem to be good value and OK with a site I'm involved with (if you sign up from the above link I might also even get a referral 'fee'!?)


1,941 posts

285 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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Fatboy said:
Cheers Ted,

I've narrowed it down to the following few suppliers (in order of my preference) and was wondering if anyone has any opinions on them/recommendations (usual naming and shaming rules apply etc)?

www.webhosting.uk.com/ - £19.99 p/a, does evrything I need, plus 5 IMAP accounts + webmail which is a bonus)

www.gohosting.co.uk/ - both £23.99 p/a, seem to be identical,but streamlinenet seems the more professional site. Only do POP3 email accounts +webmail though. Plus side is they have 25MB more hosting than webhosting.co.uk, but do I really need more than 75MB? Edited to add: Oops, they are the same - both done by streamlinenet, just checked the small print

www.easily.co.uk/ - At £54.98 quite a bit more expensive (I don't want their cheapest option as it doesn't allow subdirectories for your webpage, and no ftp access). Plus side they are recommended by Petrolted

>> Edited by Fatboy on Wednesday 27th August 18:43

i am with the webhostinguk one and it is fine, cheap, professional and you get telephone support too. all you need is your domain name and then go host a site


384 posts

262 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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American one? normally cheaper and the big ones offer some good services as standard, one i've signed up has given a good place on a reliable server with backup on an EMC symettrix. Has cost me $5 a month plus a $20 setup, not too bad IMO.


Original Poster:

8,161 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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miniman said:
Let me have a word tomorrow and I'll get back to you.

Cheers Mate - that'd be cool. Like I said, I'm quite happy to pay for any space I use.


4,415 posts

280 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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www.inetproducts.com do free Windows 2000 hosting


9,396 posts

269 months

Wednesday 27th August 2003
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nevpugh308 said:
www.inetproducts.com do free Windows 2000 hosting

you talking about me again, we do indeed

P.S. it windows 2003 these days chap

>> Edited by dontlift on Wednesday 27th August 22:51


9,294 posts

276 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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one of the companies in my group, aimed at the small / home user. Giving Quality in the Home Market.

uses a VDS, over the standard 'shared' model.

The difference being that you have your own deamons for everything (own apached, own httpd.conf, own php.ini, own sendmail.cf etc) all on a Shared Box..

Gives massive customisation options, for a portion of the dedicated costs.

AND, comes with a Free domain with one of the most powerful domain management control panels known to man (edit every detail going, address, contacts, Glue Records, Name Servers, Locking etc



Original Poster:

8,161 posts

283 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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JamieBeeston said:

one of the companies in my group, aimed at the small / home user. Giving Quality in the Home Market.

Looks impressive, but way more than I need TBH.


Original Poster:

8,161 posts

283 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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dontlift said:

nevpugh308 said:
www.inetproducts.com do free Windows 2000 hosting

you talking about me again, we do indeed

P.S. it windows 2003 these days chap

>> Edited by dontlift on Wednesday 27th August 22:51

Looks very interesting - will read through carefully tommorrow when slighty more compus-mentus


9,294 posts

276 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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Fatboy said:

JamieBeeston said:

one of the companies in my group, aimed at the small / home user. Giving Quality in the Home Market.

Looks impressive, but way more than I need TBH.

:P only a shade over £8 a month tho (annualy), inc a Free Domain Overkill without Overpricing



2,032 posts

268 months

Thursday 28th August 2003
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You could try arrobe.co.uk but again it might be more than you need.

I host my website wingandaprayer.co.uk with them.