first rate job, George!
Why thank you 
It's taken a bit of work to get it to a state that works, but I'll hopefully now be able to maintain the standard with input from the committee and members. It's a big step to go away from printed ones and to PDF, but it's the way of the future, and the club will go nowhere if it anchors itself trying to appease the vast minority of members who don't use e-mail.
We're trying to revamp the club to attract more of the "new-breed" who love to own and use their Lotus, rather than the more traditional members who like their ale dark, their caps flat and their Lotuses in the garage (good god, that includes me!)
Thanks for the feedback
Nice to know someone's noticed at least 

It's taken a bit of work to get it to a state that works, but I'll hopefully now be able to maintain the standard with input from the committee and members. It's a big step to go away from printed ones and to PDF, but it's the way of the future, and the club will go nowhere if it anchors itself trying to appease the vast minority of members who don't use e-mail.
We're trying to revamp the club to attract more of the "new-breed" who love to own and use their Lotus, rather than the more traditional members who like their ale dark, their caps flat and their Lotuses in the garage (good god, that includes me!)

Thanks for the feedback

Edited by Esprit on Thursday 5th June 01:06
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