What's the password ?



Original Poster:

398 posts

274 months

Sunday 24th August 2003
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Recently got a different computer. Usual thing, at auction so sold as is. Has Win 200 and stuff on it, licences too for a change (!). Problem is it has a log-in password. Anybody out there know

1) Can this be deleted/reset ?
2) How ?

Don't really want to wipe hard drive unless I really have to.


9,396 posts

269 months

Sunday 24th August 2003
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Have you tried "Administrator" with no password


8,893 posts

278 months

Sunday 24th August 2003
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Just put a W2K CD in and reboot, do an upgrade install and it will just install the OS over the top. If it will not boot from CD and you need to change the BIOS settings then these could also be password protected, you will need to take out the BIOS battery.

If you are determined to log in to the original OS then you will need a Linux boot floppy, this will allow you to overwrite the password.


12,058 posts

275 months

Sunday 24th August 2003
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You'll have to zap it. Overwriting passwords by the back door makes for a very unstable system in most cases.


1,947 posts

295 months

Monday 25th August 2003
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Not sure it works with 2000 but works in 98/ME. I Don't have that much exp. with 2000. But go into safe mode. find all files with extension .pwl and delete them. Restart and the computer will ask for the password, press enter and the password is set as nothing.

As I say though this works with win98/Me but not sure about 2000. (worth a try though)


2,874 posts

260 months

Monday 25th August 2003
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There is a win 2K boot disk that allows you to hack /reset the admin password, i have the softare that ill fish out for ya. if you still need it then mail me, (its only a small file so can email it to ya)



12,058 posts

275 months

Monday 25th August 2003
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The .pwl thing won't work with 2k. It's far more secure than 9x.


1,947 posts

295 months

Monday 25th August 2003
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But obviously not that secure have a look at this link:


evidently if you delete or rename the sam file inside &&WINNT&SYSTEM32&CONFIG where & are backslashes the accounts are removed and the administrator password is lost.

Of course, no idea if this works but again worth a try. (edited to try to get path right)

>> Edited by smeagol on Monday 25th August 22:57


Original Poster:

398 posts

274 months

Monday 25th August 2003
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Thanks for the ideas guys. Know about .pwl in 98 but can't access far enough. Can't even get safe mode without it asking for a password first.

Unfortunately system being bought as is, no CD to reinstal as an upgrade or boot floppy. Now getting quite curious what is on there, and wondering if I put a Win 98 HDD as primary, might I gain access that way.


6,012 posts

295 months

Monday 25th August 2003
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Hi BtB,

If it's not getting as far as allowing you to select safe mode, I'm guessing you mean the machine has a password set at the BIOS level (ie : asks for password before even starting to load Windows)???

If so, get a copy of the Motherboard manual (can get off the manufacturers website if needs be) and there'll be more than likely a jumper you can short on the board to reset the BIOS and any passwords on it.



Original Poster:

398 posts

274 months

Tuesday 26th August 2003
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roop said:
Hi BtB,

If it's not getting as far as allowing you to select safe mode, I'm guessing you mean the machine has a password set at the BIOS level (ie : asks for password before even starting to load Windows)???

If so, get a copy of the Motherboard manual (can get off the manufacturers website if needs be) and there'll be more than likely a jumper you can short on the board to reset the BIOS and any passwords on it.


I can access the bios, get windows boot screen, then log-on by Ctl Alt Del but no further. Have found a suggestion to try Linux Boot floppy so will set about that tomorrow night hopefully.

Thanks anyway


300 posts

277 months

Tuesday 26th August 2003
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12,214 posts

268 months

Tuesday 26th August 2003
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Easy - get a DOS boot floppy. Add NTFSDOS drivers from SysInternals to allow you to read the NTFS partition, and grab the SAM file in %systemroot%config.
Then use L0phtcrack to crack the passwords.

This avoids hacking about with registry files via the back door which, as you'd expect with MS, will probably result in instability. The L0phtcrack software should work out the passwords easily enough.

Only downside here is if the previous owner actually cared properly about security and used nonprintable characters in the passwords, even LC will choke on that.

You'll probably find this easier than messing about with Linux boot disks unless you're already a penguin head.