


Original Poster:

129 posts

266 months

Saturday 23rd August 2003
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Why does my svchost.exe keep failing after about three minutes of run time on my PC. It is most annoying as from when it stops running I can no longer open .jpg's or click on links. How do I stop it failing? Running windows 2000, but all in German apart from internet explorer. HELP.....


12,425 posts

277 months

Saturday 23rd August 2003
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You should update your virus scanner, and get a patch from the Microsoft site; looks like the problem is caused by one of the recent worms.


Original Poster:

129 posts

266 months

Monday 25th August 2003
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Thanks for the advice Bodo!!! Found correcting my coumputer to be very troublesome. I have since found that my firewall was causing some nasty interaction with my internet explorer and windows and thus making it fail during any internet use. Though it took a while to discover. Everytime that I tried to download the latest udates for windows 2000 from microsoft the download would fail midway through, the only way that I could get anything to start to work was if I disabled my firewall (risky I know). The whole task was complicated by eveything been written in German!!!! Now everthing is sorted. Thanks... Jeremy.

>> Edited by jv_as on Monday 25th August 15:04

>> Edited by jv_as on Monday 25th August 15:04