Anyone dealt with
never heard of them or the player you are looking at
Personally what I would do is keep checking for the deals on the iPod and buy a 15GB. It doesn't have the FM tuner or recorder (yet, rumours have it they are coming) but is a known brand and in it's latest incarnation has very few bugs to speak of. has the iPod cheap as well!
When you're buying something like this you really want to be confident of (a) the company you are buying off and (b) the product you are buying. Yes it sounds nice but what about after-market products, replacement batteries, firmware updates, software updates, software connections... IMHO it pays to pay a little more and get something from a big name like Creative, Toshiba, Apple... they aren't about to go bust (for all we know) and are more likely to support the product.
As for buying off companies you don't know, well don't. But if you have to minimise the risks. Use a credit card with fraud protection, contact the company by telephone (ask for product details or an address), check the quality of the site, ensure it's secure... take every reasonable precaution then if you are stung report it to your credit card company...

Personally what I would do is keep checking for the deals on the iPod and buy a 15GB. It doesn't have the FM tuner or recorder (yet, rumours have it they are coming) but is a known brand and in it's latest incarnation has very few bugs to speak of. has the iPod cheap as well!
When you're buying something like this you really want to be confident of (a) the company you are buying off and (b) the product you are buying. Yes it sounds nice but what about after-market products, replacement batteries, firmware updates, software updates, software connections... IMHO it pays to pay a little more and get something from a big name like Creative, Toshiba, Apple... they aren't about to go bust (for all we know) and are more likely to support the product.
As for buying off companies you don't know, well don't. But if you have to minimise the risks. Use a credit card with fraud protection, contact the company by telephone (ask for product details or an address), check the quality of the site, ensure it's secure... take every reasonable precaution then if you are stung report it to your credit card company...
I bought an MPIO MP3 player from them earlier this year. I think it is a guy running the company from his bedroom, but he got my player to me before anyone else could, and was very helpful the couple of times I phone him, and also on the forum on the website.
From my experience, I'd recommend them.
From my experience, I'd recommend them.
the iPod doesn't come with USB2 out of the box but you can buy a cable (from apple officially) that gives you USB functionality just like you want.
The idea was to open it to more PC owners as Firewire/1394 isn't the standard on PC's (every MAC has a port cos Apple developed it) and most PC's come with either USB 1.1 or the newer 2.0.
The idea was to open it to more PC owners as Firewire/1394 isn't the standard on PC's (every MAC has a port cos Apple developed it) and most PC's come with either USB 1.1 or the newer 2.0.
docevi1 said:
Personally what I would do is keep checking for the deals on the iPod and buy a 15GB. It doesn't have the FM tuner or recorder (yet, rumours have it they are coming) but is a known brand and in it's latest incarnation has very few bugs to speak of.
Couldn't agree more!
The iPod is an amazing piece of kit - The FM transmitters are actually illegal in this country: a crazy law that requires a license to transmit FM frequencies. Let's forget the fact that it's range is only 10 metres, which wouldn't make for a very good pirate radio station!
They are, however, legal in the US (and I have one of the buggers winging it's way to me at the mo)

Set the little beauty playing, drop it in the glovebox and leave no untidy cables lying around. Plus, as a bonus, you get $hit hot portable MP3 player too.
Echo Stefan's recommendation of a 15Gb model too. It comes with all the goodies and is plenty large enough to be honest.
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