Bizzare MS-Word error.



Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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Trying to save a letter, type in the name and it saves fine, with the teeeny exception that only the first letter of the filename you type actually gets saved.

eg, if I "save as" 'letter'

the file appears on the desktop as 'l'

Any ideas?


407 posts

260 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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Is this happening in any location you choose to save your file or just desktop? - if fine say in C: then could be your profile that is corrupt.
Are all your File View options set properly - just to eliminate from possibility.

What version of MS Word you running?



Original Poster:

5,613 posts

269 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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It happens if we save to desktop, C: or I: (the server). It looks like it is a profile problem as there's only one girl suffers from it, everyone else has no trouble on the same machine.

Funny really, we just had to create her a new profile yesterday... Wonder how it's got lunched already?

I think it's word 97 but it may even be 95, running on XP. (the joy of a small company)..