Portable Hard-drive/Jukebox/MP3 things?? help

Portable Hard-drive/Jukebox/MP3 things?? help



Original Poster:

2,458 posts

272 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Right, I'm after one ofthe above...

one that seems best at the moment is the Creative Labs "Zen".. but I read in a review on Amazon that you HAVE TO use their software to transfer files... this is no good.

It MUST be able to just plug in and appear as another drive in windows explorer, as I will need to use it on computers where I can't install software.

I would just get a USB hard-drive, but the added functionality of being able to play mp3's seems like a good idea.

suggestions please!


9,854 posts

263 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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Hi Piers

Archos Multimedia Jukebox 20.

20Gb, colour TFT screen, USB.

Pros, if you can get it cheap, very good (Got mine for £200, Plays Div X. Goes straight on with Win 2K + Win XP, Camrea + Flas attatchment handy. Fast.

Cons: (If buying for more than £200) USB 1.1 cable supplied, Need USB 2 really. Build quality a bit placky, doen't play .wmf. Also Battery life is a bit funny but that may be me not letting it drain.

Mail me if you have any question.


Had it for 8 months and no problems, use it every day at work.

>> Edited by WildfireX0 on Friday 22 August 10:01


10,430 posts

259 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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Apple iPod, marvellous piece of kit, does exactly what you want it to....

Check out the review on PH's. It's done by me
