Radio PH



Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Does anyone have any experience of radio via the net?


9,294 posts

276 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Depends on what level your talking.

Its simple enough to setup one server to use, and people just connect to a stream.. Shoutcast style...

The next step is where you have the one live server, which then feeds off to n number of relay servers, to distriute the load (geographically and server load wise)

and the next step above that is the same again, one uploads to multi relay servers, which upload to multiple public facing realys.

Software wise, you can do it using anything, Real Server ($$$) Windows Media Encoder (£free), Shoutcast with winamp (£free initially)

Like anything, its cheap and simple to do cheaply and simply, its expensive and complex to do Large Scale Properly.

We host several Large Streaming Companies, whom I can put you in touch with Should you need.



1,217 posts

290 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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I have a friend that was into web radio/broadcasts. He is now a lowly paid 'jock'

I will try and get some info from him, as his website is no more.



Original Poster:

34,444 posts

314 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Jamie pretty much told me what I expected to hear. It ain't cheap to do properly


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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I did it for a while .. setup some servers a few years ago.. Just playing really. Ran a webcast for about 2 weeks.