Best HDD manufacturer ?



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Who's generally considered the best HDD manufacturer at the moment ?

(I've just found out that you can get 160 gig disks for £100 now ! Wow)


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Cant go wrong with Big Blue IMHO

Seagate probably next best in my experience.

Swerve Maxtor...


46,645 posts

286 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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plotloss said:
Cant go wrong with Big Blue IMHO

Seagate probably next best in my experience.

Swerve Maxtor...

No experience of Big Blue, but I'd agree with the other two statements from Plotty...


300 posts

277 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Big Blue - now Hitachi, definitely the best IMO

Hitachi DeskStar 180GXP
60GB - £51, 180GB - £126 (


6,110 posts

270 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Latest edition of PC Pro has a hard disk labs test. Winner is the Samsung SP1604N, which you can pick up for under a ton, and is incidently the very one I have in my new PC. And it's a good 'un


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Never ever had a problem with any Western Digital Caviar drives that I've ever bought/used/installed for other peeps.


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Thanks for the thoughts people

Funny enough, it's a Maxtor that I've got in my PC now (which is starting to go wrong - PC "forgot" it had a HDD this morning for a bit ! ) .... and it's less than a year old, when it replacement for (under warranty) another Maxtor which packed in ....


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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p.s. where's a good place to buy from as well as dabs ? (they dont do the Samsung SP1604N)


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

280 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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S'okay .... just ordered a Samsung from Simply. £82 (ex vat) for 160 gig ... absolutely incredible !


1,413 posts

270 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Just to buck the trend, I've blown up 2 IBM drives in 3 years. Now on a 120GB Western Digital Caviar, which seems to be performing admirably


8,568 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Western Digital Special Edition disks (8MB cache instead of 2) are supposed to be very good (I have two of them, and have had no problems)

Places to buy:


10,430 posts

259 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
quotequote all (if they start up again)

I've had two Maxtor drives for 3 years now and they haven't failed! Western Digital are meant to be decent as well.



2,258 posts

270 months

Thursday 21st August 2003
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Avoid Fujitsu like the plague. Big blue don't make consumer disks anymore (generally sub contracted and badged).

Seagates have nice warranties (five year I think but that might only be the scsi versions) and perform well.

Most of the other manufacurers are pretty much the same when you compare like for like but Fujitsu always seem to be consistantly bad. Ask Compaq I'll be surprised if they buy from them again.


10,430 posts

259 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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or RM, or Dell... Fujitsu drives would fail given certain circumstances that cropped up a lot and cost the major companies a lot of money in replacements and letters!



384 posts

262 months

Friday 22nd August 2003
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haven't most manufacturers recently gone down to a 1 year warranty rather than the traditional 3 years?

For my 2p, I prefer Seagate Barracudas for the realiability/noise


637 posts

282 months

Saturday 23rd August 2003
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I use the Western Digital Special Edition HDD's with 8Meg cache. As yet very reliable and are very fast.